Sunday, August 25, 2013

Week of August 26

This week we are wrapping up our "getting to know you" unit.  We have been getting to know each other, our school rules, and our school routines.  We will continue to work on these through the month of September.  Be sure to ask your child about "criss-cross applesauce, spoons in the bowl, " "hugs and bubbles," and the places we go in the school.

Here is what we are doing this week:
Literacy: ABC intro
Math:  Sorting and graphing
Science:  Hand washing
Social Studies:  My community

Fine Motor:  Making Puffy lines, using tongs and cotton balls, cutting
Dramatic Play:  Community play
Math:  graphing candy and individual work
Literacy:  Alphabet games
Art:  Drawing ME

Other activities include:
Going to the library
Show and tell
Learning to wash our hands
Birthday graph
Learning our school rules and routines

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