Friday, September 14, 2012

Week of September 17-21

Theme: Safety
Science:  Nutrition, Teeth
Social Studies: Community Helpers
Literacy: Letter Ff
Math:  Grouping and Patterns, Counting
Music:  Brush your teeth, Buenos Dias, Down by the Station, Apples and Bananas
Movement:  Morning stretches

Art:  Fingerpainting F, Feather F
Writing:  Tracing and Writing F
Blocks: Big Trucks and Blocks
Math:  Counting, numbers, patterns
Literacy:  Letter F sounds and recognition, words that start with F
Dramatic Play:  Bank
Housekeeping Center:  Grocery Store
Manipulatives: Alphabet Puzzles
Water Table:  Car Wash
Science:  Cleaning Teeth, Sink or Float
Nutrition: Healthy/Unhealthy foods, Fruit Prints

With our book buddies this week we will be reading "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle, and doing an art project with that.  It should be a lot fo fun.

As our weather changes, please make sure your child has a jacket each day.  Some mornings when we go outside, it is rather chilly.  We want everyone to have fun, and stay warm! 

Please turn in your CACFP forms as soon as possible so we can get enrolled!

Be sure to help your child fill out his/her Healthy Habits sheet this week!  We are learning about ways to stay healthy this month.

Just a note:  TPAAK will be closed on Friday, BUT the preschool is OPEN!!  Don't be surprised when there is no traffic on Friday.  Just enjoy it :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Week of September 10-14

Theme: Safety
Science:  Nutrition, Teeth
Social Studies: Community Helpers
Literacy: Letter Mm
Math:  Grouping and Patterns
Music:  Brush your teeth, Buenos Dias, Down by the Station, Apples and Bananas
Movement:  Morning stretches

Art:  Fireman hats, people
Writing:  Tracing and Writing Ss
Blocks: Trains in our community, K'Nex
Math:  Counting, numbers, patterns
Literacy:  Letter S sounds and recognition, words that start with S
Dramatic Play:  Post Office
Writing Center:  Tracing and Drawing
Housekeeping Center:  Hair Salon
Manipulatives: Puzzles.  What goes together
Water Table:  Car Wash
Science:  Healthy/unhealthy foods.  Make a pizza

This week we are also planning to make our own bread!  Our classroom should smell yummy!!!